Statistics and Mathematical Modelling in Combination|2022b003
- How to hold: Hybrid Meeting (In-person/Zoom)
- Venue:La Trobe University City Campus (Level 2, 360 Collins Street, Melbourne, Australia)
- Main language:English
- Type/Category: Grant for International Project Research-Workshop (I)
- Title of Research Project: Statistics and Mathematical Modelling in Combination
- Principal Investigator: Christopher Lenard(La Trobe University・Head of Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences)
- Research Period: November 16, 2022. – November 18, 2022.
- Details of the Research Plan: https://joint1.imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp/en_research_chooses/view/2022b003
Nov. 16(Wed.)
9:00-9:15 Participants arrive Day 1
9:15-9:40 Official conference welcome begins –
• Professor Marcel Jackson, Associate Dean Research and Industry Engagement
• Associate Professor Bec Strating, Director – La Trobe Asia
• Dr Rebecca Chisholm, Conference Director
9:40-10:30 Plenary Speaker 1
Jukka Corander(University of Oslo)
Robust and scalable inference for simulator-based models
10:30-10:45 MORNING TEA
10:45-11:45 Plenary Speaker 2
Shizuo Kaji(Kyushu University)
Modelling preference with hyperplane arrangement
11:45-11:55 Contributed talk 1
Yvonne Stokes(The University of Adelaide)
Chemical signalling and tissue response: a moving boundary problem in biology
11:55-12:15 Contributed talk 2
Rahil Valani(The University of Adelaide)
Dynamics of inertial particle focusing in curved ducts
12:15-12:40 Contributed talk 3
Soukaina Hadiri (TBC)
Somes results on the mixed bifractional brownian motion
12:40-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-14:55 Plenary Speaker 3
David Price
Supporting government response to COVID-19 through model-based situational assessment
14:55-15:10 AFTERNOON TEA
15:10-16:00 Plenary Speaker 4
Melanie Roberts(Australian Rivers Institute, Griffith University)
MERGE and the role of gully erosion modelling to protect water quality on the Great Barrier Reef
16:00 Day1 ends
Nov. 17(Thu.)
9:00-9:15 Participants arrive Day 2
9:15-10:05 Plenary Speaker 5
Andrea Bertozzi – zoom
Modeling the Covid-19 Pandemic
10:05-10:30 Contributed talk 4
Malay Banerjee(IIT Kanpur)
Effect of slow-fast time scale on spatio-temporal pattern formation
10:30-10:45 MORNING TEA
10:45-11:35 Plenary Speaker 6
Oliver Maclaren
Dynamics of inertial particle focusing in curved ducts
11:35-11:55 Contributed talk 5
Sarah Vollert(Queensland University of Technology)
A sequential method for efficiently parameterising ensemble ecosystem models
11:55-12:15 Contributed talk 6
Jordan Pitt(The University of Adelaide)
Model predictions of wave overwash extent into the marginal ice zone
12:15-12:40 Contributed talk 7
Adeshina Adekunle(Department of Defence)
A new mathematical modelling framework for capturing and forecasting Australia COVID-19 waves: transitioning from Delta wave into Omicron wave.
12:40-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-14:55 Plenary Speaker 7
Natalie Thamwattana(The University of Newcastle)
Interaction between nanostructures: relation between their atomic distributions and modelling approaches
14:55-15:10 AFTERNOON TEA
15:10-16:00 Plenary Speaker 8
Kei Hirose(Kyushu University)
Penalized likelihood approach in multivariate regression with missing values and its application to materials properties prediction
16:00 Day2 ends
18:00 Conference Dinner for participants who have registered and pre-paid:
Hotel Grand Chancellor Melbourne, 131 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Nov. 18(Fri.)
9:00-9:15 Participants arrive Day 3
9:15-10:05 Plenary Speaker 9
Michael Stumpf
The Mathematics and Statistics of CellMaps and Whole Cell Modelling
10:05-10:30 Contributed talk 8
Chris Drovandi(Queensland University of Technology) – zoom
Likelihood-Free Methods and Model Misspecification
10:30-10:45 MORNING TEA
10:45-11:35 Plenary Speaker 10
Iadine Chadès – zoom
Developing AI Decision Tools for Conservation
11:35-11:55 Contributed talk 9
Ton Viet Ta(Kyushu University)
Fish schooling
11:55-12:15 Contributed talk 10
Matthew Adams(Queensland University of Technology)
Analysis of model sloppiness: what can it do, and what’s next?
12:15-12:40 Contributed talk 11
Saddam Abbasi(Qatar University)
Identifying state of the process using ML algorithms
12:40-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-14:55 Plenary Speaker 11
Emma McBryde
The application of mathematics to pandemics: some examples of modelling used during COVID-19
14:55-15:15 Contributed talk 12
Komal Singla(Chandigarh University)(TBC) – zoom
Symmetry Analysis and Exact solutions of fractional order (2+1)-dimensional Burgers system
15:15-15:40 Contributed talk 13
Manoj Kumar(Indian Institute of Technology Mandi) (TBC) – zoom
Analysis of Diffusive Size-Structured Population Model and Optimal Birth Control
15:40 Conference ends

Registration Fee
Registration Category: Fee
Full registration: 150 AUD
AustMS/AMSI Affiliate Member: 75 AUD
Student/Unemployed: 50 AUD
Invited speaker: 0 AUD
Advance registration required
Registration DeadlineIn-person attendance: November 9(Wed.) ClosedOnline attendance: November 15(Wed.) Closed
[Important] Attendance who join online-only also need the registration fee!
Please fill out the registration form:
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*Please fill out your name on “First tell us who you are” and press “Create new person” button for proceeding.