
Publication of Proceedings


I. Research Meeting (I), and Research Meeting (I) online. The publication of proceedings is mandatory.

There are two publishing options you can choose from.

  1. Online publication as “MI Lecture Notes” published by the Institute.
  2. Publication of the proceedings in English as a volume of the “Mathematics for Industry” series published by Springer as a responsible editor.

For the previous publications in the series, please refer to the following.

II. Research Meeting (II). The publication of proceedings is by request.

Your proceedings can be published online as a volume in the “Math-for-Industry Research” series published by the Institute. Indicate your preference when submitting your application.

Refer to the existing publications in the series:

Procedures for preparing “MI Lecture Notes” and “Math-for-Industry Research”

(1) Principal Investigator: Prepare the manuscript (by three months after the meeting)

  • Editor’s name and table of contents to appear on the cover page
    ▶︎Word file (free format)
    • the name(s) of the editor(s)
    • Table of Contents: Submit a Word file with the title, author’s names, and affiliations.
  • Preface (“Introduction”)
    ▶︎PDF file (accessible format)
    • Refer to the foreword of the previous publications in the series.
    • IMI requests and appreciates your acknowledgment.
  • Manuscripts for each speaker in order
    ▶︎Slide or treatise format ▶︎PDF file format
    • It would be ideal if each speaker could prepare it in a treatise format. However, it would be good if he could write an abstract and the references on one page of the template and add his slides in a 2-up to 3-up size.
    • Download the abstract template (Tex/Word).
    • To ensure that there are no errors in the order of publication.
    • The PDF file name of each speaker’s manuscript should include the “publication number” and “author’s name” such as “01 saeki.pdf” or “07 Kajiwara.pdf”.
  • Others
    • IMI makes and adds the list of programs to the manuscript.
    • Submit photographs and others if you wish to add to the proceedings.

The number of pages of the proceedings should be approximately 200 color pages. We do not have strict upper or lower limit regulations for the number of pages but let us know if it is likely to be much more or less than that.

(2) IMI Research Office: Place an order for the online publication to a vendor (one to two weeks for the first draft).

Once the manuscript is ready, we will order the online version of the proceedings from the vendor, and the first copy will be ready in about one to two weeks.

(3) Principal investigator: Review and proofread the manuscript copy for one to two weeks.

After each proofreading, IMI requests the vendor to modify it. (Normally, modifications and reconfirmations are repeated two to three times.)

(4) Completion (one to two weeks)

When the manuscript is ready, it will be published online and posted on the IMI online publication page.