
Evolving Design and Discrete Differential Geometry:towards Mathematics Aided Geometric Design(設計の新パラダイムを拓く新しい離散的な曲面の幾何学)|2024a033


タグ: 一般研究 研究集会I 


  • 開催方法:対面開催
  • 開催場所九州大学西新プラザ
  • 主要言語:英語
  • 共催:九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所、JST CREST[数理情報活用基盤]設計の新パラダイムを拓く新しい離散的な曲面の幾何学
  • 種別・種目:一般研究-研究集会(Ⅰ) 
  • 研究計画題目:Evolving Design and Discrete Differential Geometry:towards Mathematics Aided Geometric Design(設計の新パラダイムを拓く新しい離散的な曲面の幾何学)
  • 研究代表者:大崎 純(京都大学大学院工学研究科・教授)
  • 研究実施期間:2025年3月10日(月)~ 2025年3月13日(木)
  • 公開期間:2025年3月10日(月)~ 2025年3月13日(木)
  • 研究計画詳細https://joint2.imi.kyushu-u.ac.jp/research_chooses/view/2024a033
  • 招待講演者
    • Alexander Bobenko(Technische Universität, Berlin)
    • Yuri Suris(Technische Universität, Berlin
    • Olivier Baverel(Ecole des Ponts ParisTech / Ecole nationale superieure d’architecture de Grenoble)
    • Robin Oval(Delft University of Technology)
    • Bert Juettler(Johannes Kepler University)
    • Rudrusamy U. Gobithaasan(Universiti Sains Malaysia)
    • Md Yushalify Misro(Universiti Sains Malaysia)
    • Toby Mitchell(Thornton Tomasetti)
    • Masaaki Miki (University of Tokyo)




9:00-9:30 Opening

9:30-10:15 Keynote 1:Olivier Baverel

Make complex structures affordable

10:45-11:30 Keynote 2:Robin Oval

An algebra for topology finding of surface patterns for structural design driven by similarity

11:30-12:00 Kyoto Group 1

Kazuki Hayashi

Deployable auxetic surface structures: From optimized shape to detail design implementation

12:00-12:30 Kyoto Group 2

Kentaro Hayakawa

Second-order infinitesimal mechanism for bifurcation analysis and folding path approximation of rigid origami

13:45-14:30 Keynote 3:Bert Jüttler

Efficient Matrix Assembly and Adaptive Refinement in Isogeometric Analysis

14:30-15:00 Kyoto Group 3

Jingyao Zhang

Shape generation of free-form grid shells with polygonal panels

15:00-15:30 Kyoto Group 4

Yusuke Sakai

Tessellation as a design principle for mechanical metamaterial

16:00-16:30 Waseda Group 1

Takashi Maekawa and Felix Scholz

All you need is rotation: Construction of developable strips – Part 1 Theory

16:30-17:00 Waseda Group 2

Takashi Maekawa and Felix Scholz

 All you need is rotation: Construction of developable strips – Part 2 Applications

17:00-17:30 Waseda Group 3

Maya Okada, Naoyuki Fujita, Takuya Terahara, Yastoshi Taniguchi, Kenji Takizawa and Tayfun E. Tezduyar

Isogeometric Analysis of Membrane and Cable Structures: A Design of Umbrella Zero-Stress State

17:30-18:00 Waseda Group 4

Takuya Terahara, Kenji Takizawa and Tayfun E. Tezduyar

Continuity and Smoothness in T-Splines Representations of Structures with Different Parametric Dimensions


9:30-10:15 Keynote 4:Alexander I. Bobenko

Discrete conformality and beyond. Where geometry meets computer graphics and mathematical physics

10:45-11:30 Keynote 5:Yuri Suris

Discretization of quadrics and of elliptic coordinates

11:30-12:00 Kyoto Group 5

Yoshihiro Kanno

Surface generation for confidence-based data-driven computing in elasticity with application to reliability-based truss topology optimization

12:00-12:30 Kyoto Group 6

 Makoto Ohsaki

Optimization methods for continuum and latticed shells consisting of developable parts

14:00-14:30 Kyushu Group 1

 Kenji Kajiwara

Generation of Aesthetic Shapes by Integrable Klein Geometry

14:30-15:00 Kyushu Group 2

Yoshiki Jikumaru

Geometry of Michell-Prager structures and hanging membrane

15:00-15:30 Kyushu Group 3

Yoshiki Jikumaru

Geometric shape generation for ideal lighting

16:00-16:30 Tsukuba Group 1

Jun Mitani

 Interatice Design and Efficient Simulation of Developable Surfaces with Curved Folds

16:30-17:00 Tsukuba Group 2

Kosuke Horiuchi and Jun Mitani

Modeling of Discrete Developable Surfaces with a Break Using Trace Diagrams on the Gaussian Sphere

17:00-17:30 Tsukuba Group 3

Aida Safary and Jun Mitani

Parametric Design Tools for 3D Curved-Origami Shapes in Conceptual and Prototype Architectural Design

17:30-18:00 Tsukuba Group 4

Higa Miyashiro Pamela, Yiyang Jia and Jun Mitani

Hoberman’s Scissor Mechanism and Digital Fabrication


9:30-10:15 Keynote 7 Toby Mitchell


10:45-11:30 Keynote 8 Masaaki Miki

Variable Projection (VarPro) Method and Form-finding of Tension-compression Mixed Shells

11:30-12:00 Kagoshima Group 1


12:00-12:30 Kagoshima Group 2


14:00-14:30 Kagoshima Group 3


14:30-15:00 Kajiwara Group 4

Miyuki Koiso

Pillow boxes as developable surfaces with curved foldings

15:00-15:30 Kagoshima Group 4


16:00-16:30 Poster Short Talks

16:30-18:00 Poster Session

18:30- Banquet


9:30-10:15 Keynote10 Rudrusamy U. Gobithaasan

Local & global property quantification with persistent homology

10:45-11:30 Keynote 11 Md Yushalify Misro

Advancing precision and smoothness of shape preserving with quintic trigonometric Bézier curves

11:30-12:00 Shizuoka Group 1

Kenjiro T. Miura

Extension of κ-curve

12:00-12:30 Shizuoka Group 2

Hiroyuki Tagawa

Geometric Shape Generation by Singular Generalized Miura-ori with Canonical and Non-canonical Arrangements

14:00-14:30 Kajiwara Group 5

Miyuki Koiso

 Intrinsic and extrinsic singularities and curvatures of piecewise smooth surfaces

14:30-15:00 TBA


15:00-15:30 TBA


15:30- Closing



